5 min read

Crafting Subject Lines that Prospects Open

Short, creative, and attention-grabbing subject lines encourage the prospects to open the emails bringing them a step closer to scheduling tours.
An email in an envelop showing a subject line


The subject line is the first piece of text that prospects see in their inbox upon receiving an email. It determines whether the prospect opens the email or not. This article from the multifamily lead nurturing series shares the best practices to create subject lines.

The post answers the following two questions:

  • Why do subject lines matter?
  • What makes a good subject line?
Mulitfamily lead nurturing series image: Crafting Subject Lines that Prospects Open

What does the series include?

Crafting Subject Lines that Prospects Open

333.2 billion! That’s the estimated number of emails sent and received daily[1] in 2022.

You put your best efforts to create a perfect multifamily lead nurturing email. With overflowing inboxes, short attention spans, and skepticism, how do you ensure that prospects open and read your emails?

By creating subject lines that entice and engage the prospects.

Why do subject lines matter?

47% of prospects open emails based on the subject line

The subject line is the first line of text that people see in their inbox upon receiving an email.

Research shows that while 64% of people open emails based on the sender name, 47% [2] of prospects open them based on the subject line alone.

What makes a good subject line?

A good subject line grabs attention, intrigues, and urges the prospect to read further. Below are the best practices to create the most effective subject lines:

1. Keep it short and simple

Keep the nurture email subject line short and simple

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