Series: Multifamily Event Marketing

An agent telling the benefits of Humans + AI Events

Resident Events: How to Improve Attendance and Resident Retention?

A Humans + AI approach to event marketing increases event attendance and resident retention through automated RSVPs, waitlists, email reminders, QR code attendance tracking, and easy-to-resend invites.
5 min read
Several prospects flock at multifamily open house events

Open House: How to Increase Attendance and Gain Quality Prospects?

Hosting open houses lets you expose your lease-up property to potential residents. But you will get results only when you drive high attendance.
5 min read
A prospect and an agent raising a toast during a multifamily resident event

An Introductory Guide to Increasing Multifamily Event Attendance

The current multifamily event marketing strategy fails to drive attendance. A Humans + AI event journey can boost attendance, retain residents and acquire more prospects.
6 min read