File This Fact

Wish you had one place to get #multifamily #benchmarks? Presenting #FileThisFact, a series of benchmarks made for multifamily by multifamily #datascience experts!
How does a tour scheduler help reduce the agent workload?

The Impact of Tour Scheduler on Agent Workload: An Analysis

What difference does a tour scheduler make to the agent workload? We share the insights from Hyly.AI Data Science Team's study on touring data.
1 min read
Best Send Time: Resident e-blasts

Best Send Time: Resident e-blasts

For this issue of #FileThisFact, we bring you the best send time for multifamily resident e-blasts. The findings are based
The best time to send prospect eblasts in Saturday at 7pm

Best Send Time: Prospect e-blasts

Have you always wondered about the best time to send your prospect e-blasts? Well, no more leaving your marketing campaigns to chance. Time them perfectly with data backed insights and get the maximum impact.