21 Days of AI

AI? You Got This! Master It in 21 Days (10 Minutes a Day!) Join the 21 Days of AI challenge! Conquer the future, 10 minutes at a time. Become the office AI whiz, speaking the lingo and dropping mind-blowing facts. Limited spots! Join the exclusive multifamily crew unlocking the power of AI. Sign up now and future-proof your career!
Is Your AI Chatbot Making Your Property Look Uninformed?

Is Your AI Chatbot Making Your Property Look Uninformed?

RAG helps multifamily AI provide accurate, reliable information on amenities, pricing, and neighborhood insight to ensure better resident and prospect experiences.
3 min read
How NPU-Powered Technology Can Transform Multifamily Operations?

How NPU-Powered Technology Can Transform Multifamily Operations?

NPU-powered technology streamlines multifamily operations, automates routine tasks, and improves data security for more efficient management.
3 min read
Why Multifamily Chatbots Fail Without Embeddings?

Why Multifamily Chatbots Fail Without Embeddings?

Embeddings help chatbots recognize issues accurately. Without embeddings, multifamily chatbots might easily mix up inquiries due to their inability to understand the context.
3 min read
GPUs simplified

GPUs Simplified: Featuring Mythbusters

GPUs utilize parallel processing, which allows them to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. This capability makes GPUs better suited for AI tasks that require rapid analysis and processing.
3 min read
Role of data in AI

Teslas & Data & AI, Oh My!

Data tells AI systems how to act in different situations. Tesla's full self-driving cars rely on data to improve their self-driving technology, enabling AI to function at its best.
3 min read
Understanding LLMs

Understanding LLMs

Large Language Models, or LLMs, are advanced AI systems that act as voracious readers, absorbing information from a diverse array of internet content.
3 min read